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Emily & Michael

Emily & Michael


Emily and I actually met as a result of our job; I am a paramedic and she is a nurse. One night, many summers ago, I ended up bringing her a patient who required her immediate care. Unfortunately, as a result of her efforts to stabilize the patient, she accidentally spilled some fluid onto her shoes.  So, when she was done, I was asked (re: volunteered) by her charge nurse to escort her to her car in order to swap shoes. I happily obliged and, as it turns out, a little fluid was all that was needed to break the ice.


I think I realized that she was the one when the thought of marrying her didn’t scare me in the least. Differences aside, we seem to complement each other well and have made each other a better person. It’s not an easy feeling to express but it is a simple feeling to understand.


I wish I could say it was a full surprise but fortunately through her not-so-subtle hints, I was able to decipher exactly what she was hoping for. The process is a heck of a lot easier when you know what your partner wants. As for the ring, it’s a trinity style design that showcases a oval shaped center stone diamond with two tear drop shaped diamonds on either side. It is complemented by a thin yellow gold band.


The proposal wasn’t exactly planned. I had the foresight to start the process in early 2019 but the exact when and where was something I figured I’d just fall into. I think I ended up visiting Anne Sportun just less than ten times over the course of a month before I knew what I was doing. Fortunately, due to some last minute changes in our schedule and quick turn-around from Anne Sportun, I was able to have the ring in hand just shy of two days before we left on an impromptu trip to Bar Harbour, Maine.

I think I ended up visiting Anne Sportun just less than ten times over the course of a month before I knew what I was doing. Fortunately, due to a quick turn-around, I was able to have the ring in hand just shy of two days before we left on an impromptu trip.

Ultimately I ended up popping the question on top of the Cadillac Mountain located in Acadia National Park, Maine. This is the highest point along the North Atlantic seaboard and, during the fall-winter months, the first place to view the sunrise in the United States.

Emily wasn’t completely oblivious to what was about to transpire. I know because she was particularly keen on doing her makeup perfectly for each and every hike we took during the trip. One very brisk morning, we awoke around 3 a.m. in order to make it to the peak just before 5 a.m. and, as the sun was rising, I fell to one knee to propose.  She said “Yes!” and here we are today.


The wedding will likely happen by the end of this year. We just bought a house and because we’re incredibly excited to begin that chapter in our life, we are hoping to celebrate this big day as soon as possible. We’re still finalizing things but we’re likely going to be hosting it in Toronto and somewhere by the water.

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