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About Anne

Seeking a medium for her creativity, Toronto-born artist Anne Sportun began making jewellery as a teenager. She deferred her archeological studies to enroll in a jewellery arts programme where she acquired her formal goldsmithing skills. Anne founded her brand with the opening of her first atelier in the late 1980’s. This was the beginning of a prolific career which continues to evolve.

Universal Language

Anne believes there exists a universal language of shape and form.

She is intrinsically fascinated by the forms found in nature. Her combination of traditional gold-smithing techniques juxtaposes the irregularity of the organic form, resulting in the most beautifully executed imperfect silhouettes.

Crafted Excellence

Anne’s artistic vision, and penchant for only the finest materials and traditional techniques are showcased in her designs: sumptuous gemstones, high quality diamonds and hand applied textures. She oversees every detail, from sketch and prototype to the final finished piece. Her time is spent at the brand’s downtown Toronto studio, consulting with clients at her fashionable Queen Street West boutique or in the tranquility of her wooded lakeside cottage.

"My work is a distillation of the world around me– those things that nurture my soul. The tranquility I find in nature feeds a deep creative well from which I can draw. I seek to recreate the subtle dichotomy of nature’s perfect irregularities, and honour that every day is precious."